
Monday, March 13, 2006

Next Project: Building Home Theater PC (HTPC )

Setelah research dan mengumpulkan parts yang ada selama berbulan2, akhirnya project HTPC bisa di mulai. Alat2 yang akan digunakan;
Ini mungkin bukan Dream HTPC, berhubung keuangan juga terbatas.

- Samsung SlimFit 30" Widescreen Flat-Tube HDTV (TX-R3079WH)
- P4 2.4GHZ, 512 RAM
- Leadtek Nvidia 6200
- 120GB + 40GB HDD
- Sabrent 52-in-1 USB 2.0
- Theatrix TV Tuner Card (ATI Theaterâ„¢ 550 PRO)
- Systemax Wireless Multimedia USB Keyboard/Joystick/Mouse
- Black Cooler Master CM Media 250 Micro ATX/ ITX
- Zalman CNPS7000B-Cu CPU COOLER
- Integrated sound card
- 500W PSU with huge 12cm Fan

- M-Audio's Revolution 7.1
- 1GB of ram
- Onkyo Home Theater System (HT-S780)

Maybe the list will be added later.

So far the target is to build the cheapest possible, silent good HTPC with avaiable parts.

The PC

The PC was originally from IBM netvista that I bought a year ago for $250, for linux server. It has 1GB of ram but I think 512 is enough for DVD viewing and recording. I am going to use the other 512MB for my bro machine :)