
Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Langit ikut menangis

Satu per satu manusia mulia dipanggil Sang Pencipta
makin sedikit lah manusia mulia berada di muka bumi ini

atau mungking manusia mulia itu meninggalkan warisan
manusia2 mulia kecil utnuk meneruskan perjuangan

Setiap manusia mulia hilang dari peredaran hatiku menangis
bersimpuh mengantarkan dengan doa
aku hanya bisa terisak,
dan berdoa agar masih banyak manusia mulia lain

Ingin ku ikuti tapak jejak langkah manusia itu
aku berniat, semoga bisa terikuti perlahan

aku yang tak pernah bertemu muka
tak pernah menyapa
tak saling kenal
tak pernah membaca satupun goresanmu
Aku hanya mengenal nama dan perbuatan baikmu

merasa kan bahwa engkau manusia langka yang dimiliki
negeri tercinta, namun pergi utnuk tak kembali...

Selamat jalan ... Kuiringi doa dari manusia yang masih banyak berdosa ini
semoga di kabulkan oleh Sang Pencipta

Jalan berkelok

Perjalanan yang panjang itu sudah menampakan keloknya sedikit demi sedikit
angin yang menerpa kadang begitu kencang menguncang
jalan terjal berkerikil disertai turunan terjal yang licin
atau tanjakan yang terasa kian meninggi menanti

Tapi aku bertahan dengan kendali itu, walaupun sempat oleng
Kesabaran dan ketabahan masih melindungi tubuh dari terpaan
aku masih akan bertahan selama manusia dua masih membantu
selama badan berjiwa and nafas masih di anugrahkan

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Rasa itu bisa mati
kayak abis di suntik formalin
kaku seperti mayat
dibunuh oleh pikiran

rasa itu bisa terbujur kaku dan pasi
tak akan hidup kembali

kucoba untuk menolong tapi di teriaki
kucoba untuk memperlambat dimarahi

tak tahu kemana harus mencari obatnya
membangkitkan lagi rasa yang pernah ada

kalau rasa sudah mati
satu2nya jalan hanyalah dilahirkan kembali

kembali jangan pergi...............

Sebel, dengki dan dendam

3 perkara perusak hati...
W - aktu akan terjadi nyebut nama pencipta
A - kan ada selalu di hati, jadi belajar untuk menghindar
S - aat menghindar usahakan tidak menutup diri
P - ilih lah teman yang baik agar tidak terjadi
A - rtikan kejadian2 dengan bijaksana agar terhindar dari 3 itu
D - uit bisa menjadi penyebab utama
A - khir nya kalo nggak bisa juga, jadi bangsat ajah biar sekalian ancur

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

FTP Command line tips

I. Opening and closing connection

* ftp - starts an FTP session
* open hostname - connects to the specified host
* close - closes the connection (but not the FTP session!)
* quit - terminates the FTP session

II. Browsing on a remote machine

* dir - gives a full directory listing on the remote machine
* dir test* - displays only files and directories whose name begins with "test..."
* ls - same as dir, but provides a simplified listing of filenames

III. Directories in FTP

* pwd - prints the name of the current remote directory
* cd remote-directory - changes working directory on remote host
* cd .. - moves up one level in the directory structure on the remote host
* lcd directory - changes the default directory on local host

IV. Types of files

* binary - type this command at the FTP prompt to set binary mode before transferring binary files
* For example, use binary mode with the following types of files:
o SPSS System files
o SAS Transport files
o Stata Datasets
o Graphics files (e.g., *.gif, *.jpg, *.bmp, etc.)
o Microsoft Office documents (*.doc, *.xls, etc.)
* ascii - type this command at the FTP prompt to set ASCII mode before transferring text files.
* Use the ASCII mode with any of the following:
o Raw Data (e.g. *.dat or *.txt, codebooks, or other plain text documents)
o SPSS Portable files
o HTML files

V. Transferring files

* get test - copies file "test" from remote to local host (from current remote directory to current local directory)
* mget test.* data.dbf - copies files beginning with "test" and the file named data.dbf from remote to local host
* put test - copies file "test" from local to remote host. You musth have write access to the remove host for this to work.
* mput test.* data.dbf - copies files beginning with "test" and the file named data.dbf from local to remote host
* quit - closes connection and terminates FTP session
* If a file name contains spaces (e.g. on your Windows system) you should type the file name in quotation marks " ",
but it is strongly recommended to rename such files before FTPing them.

VI. Other Commands

* get test "| more" - displays file "test"
To make sure you want a document, you can display it with the more command and see the file screen by screen (using the space bar) BEFORE you get a file. To exit out of more , type q.
* prompt - turns off prompting for individual files when using the mget or mput commands.
* If you have mistyped your username or password, use the user command to re-login.
* For a list of all FTP commands type ? at the ftp> prompt.
* For a brief explanation of a command, type help, leave a space,and type the command itself.

Monday, June 06, 2005

di Sia - Sia

Pernah merasa di sia - sia?

Pernah merasa di terbuang?

Pernah merasa jadi ban serep?

Pernah merasa jadi kain pel?

Pernah merasa jadi gombal?

Hayo pilih yang mana?

Mendingan jadi kain pel kali yah, at least di pake trus dan kalo udah rusak diganti....


Duri kejujuran

Kalo ngomong blatant tanpa tedeng aling2 apa adanya

Jujur yang apa adanya

Nggak bisa basa basi

Jujur itu kalo tajam yah seperti duri

hanya ujungnya yang tajam tapi di bagian belakangnya nggak tajam

manusia ini ternyata manusia berduri jujur...

kali yah....

tapi udah ada beberapa contoh korban tuh...

kalo jujur itu ibarat suntikan obat penyembuh

sakit di suntiknya tapi (mudah2an) cepet sembuh

Friday, June 03, 2005

Another tips for loading data from CSV to MYSQL

This is actulally a dump way to load data, no checking, no parsing, nothing... but hey if you want just to take look at whats in there here you go. if you have column type date, Mysql will not take the date format like this MM/DD/YYYY, it will just put the thing like 0000-00-00. So make everything char, int, or varchar. From sourceforge

Import Unicode CSV files to MySQL

Unicode UTF-8 comma-separated values (CSV) text files, which are exported or generated by such applications as Microsoft Access or Excel, can be imported to MySQL via LOAD DATA INFILE command. CSV data files that are in a Vietnamese legacy encoding should first be converted to Unicode UTF-8, using UnicodeConverter tool, before proceeding with the import.

Make sure that MySQL default charset is utf8. You may need to create the schema (i.e., database structure and tables) before executing the LOAD DATA command. This can be accomplished manually or by MySQL Migration Toolkit to re-create the schema in MySQL database and then use TRUNCATE command to clear the table (delete all rows) before importing. For example:

mysql> TRUNCATE TABLE Ngarang; (better in my opinion, it will reset the auto increment field)


mysql> DELETE FROM Ngarang;

The import will be executed as follows:


for a CSV file 'Ngarang.txt' with records having data fields as follows:

1,"Bejo","Kandi","Kraton Jawa","Jawa","Indonesia","234-999-9999","Sri_kandi@yahoo.com"
2,"I made","Nyoman","Keraton Bali","Denpasar","Indonesia","234-888-8888","Bejo_jone@yahoo.com"

The line terminator '\r\n' is for Windows systems; for Unix/Linux, '\n' is used. If you don't put `LINES TERMINATED BY` it will take new lines char by default.